Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Oculoplasty involves the management of the eyelids, tear ducts and re-constructive surgery. There are many types of conditions that can affect these parts of the eye and its surroundings. The detail information is as follows:
Oculoplasty Surgery:
This refers to any surgery involving the Eye Lids, Tear Ducts & Orbital region.
Oculoplastic Surgeon:
A specialized Ophthalmologist having undergone a further training in “Plastic Surgery”. With focus on health & safety of eyes
Eyelid ‘Lumps and Bumps’
These may either be unsightly benign lesions causing cosmetic concerns or more suspicious changes that may require a biopsy. Often, minor operative procedures can be completed on the same day as a consultation.
Eyelid Skin Tumors
The most common skin tumor around the eyes is a basal cell carcinoma. Surgical treatment to excise the tumor requires specialist oculoplastic expertise to reconstruct the eyelid to return its normal appearance and function
Eyelid Mal Positions
Ectropion (drooping lower eyelid), Entropion (turned in eyelid) and ptosis (drooping upper eyelid) can all cause unwanted symptoms varying from visual field obstruction, dry or watering eye to unwanted facial asymmetry and altered appearance.
Excessive Eyelid Skin and Eyelid ‘Bags’
This is a very common condition that can affect both men and women and is generally due to the ageing process. It can cause heavy eyelids and visual field obstruction, or it may be a cosmetic concern involving either the upper or lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty Surgery (A day care procedure) by an experienced oculoplastic surgeon can restore the ageing eyelid in both function and appearance with very satisfying results.
Blocked Tear Duct
A blocked tear duct, sometimes known as naso- lachrymal duct obstruction, can cause persistent eye watering or sometimes a chronic eye infection. Endoscopic lachrymal surgery, using miniature cameras to operate on the tear ducts internally via the nose, now allows your oculoplastic surgeon to perform ‘scar less’ surgery without a skin
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